A chequered flag is raised as the hearse carrying the coffin of Gerald Hoggarth circles around the Warton Stock Car track for one last lap. Photo: Kelvin Lister-Stuttard.A chequered flag is raised as the hearse carrying the coffin of Gerald Hoggarth circles around the Warton Stock Car track for one last lap. Photo: Kelvin Lister-Stuttard.
A chequered flag is raised as the hearse carrying the coffin of Gerald Hoggarth circles around the Warton Stock Car track for one last lap. Photo: Kelvin Lister-Stuttard.

Watch lap of honour for Warton Stock Car Club veteran who died aged 80

A final lap of honour was held at Warton Stock Car Club for the late Gerald Hoggarth, former driver, committee member and life president at the club.

Gerald died aged 80 on February 9 surrounded by his family.

Prior to his crematorium service the hearse travelled with Gerald down to the stock car track at Warton where friends and supporters followed and applauded as he was taken around

the track one last time and the chequered flag was waved.

Gerald’s sons Steven and Dean were part of the cortege bringing their stock cars and also Gerald's vintage car behind him on his final lap down to the track and then back up to the


the track one last time and the chequered flag was waved.