Report shows convictions are on the up

STOCK: Domestic violence illustration.STOCK: Domestic violence illustration.
STOCK: Domestic violence illustration.
Women who suffer rape, sexual abuse and domestic violence in Lancashire are increasingly likely to see their perpetrator convicted, a new report has shown.

But concerns have been raised nationally that the internet is fuelling domestic abuse type crime such as stalking - and that conviction rates are merely the tip of the iceberg.

The CPS’s Violence against Women and Girls report shows 3,032 defendants were prosecuted for such crimes in 2015/16 - a higher than average conviction rate of 76.7 per cent.

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They included 108 rapists - increasing the county’s rape conviction rate by a tenth to 67.1%, and 243 sex attackers.

A further 2,681 were convicted of domestic abuse against women and girls, making a conviction rate of nearly three quarters.

Claire Lindley, Chief Crown Prosecutor for CPS North West said “The prosecution of crimes involving violence against women and girls is one of our key priorities, and I hope today’s report will give victims confidence in coming forward and reporting these crimes to police. The message is also clear to those who commit these offences; where we have evidence we will bring prosecutions.”

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